This will be a short newsletter, just to stay in touch but I wanted to let you know a couple of things.
Upcoming Shows
Big Sale - Get it Now!
It’s that time of year, and here at the Intergalactic Office of Round River Productions, we do have something for everyone on your list – stories, songs, books, both ridiculous and meaningful. And there’s a sale! 10% off everything! (Except the dog – he stays.) We especially love people who buys cds and get them out of our basement (seen here!!!)
And of course, I am more than happy to sign any book or cd, personalizing it for the recipient! It’s how I’m planning to spend the month of December. Locked in the basement, signing with a sharpie. Please contribute to my incarceration.
6 Albums on 1 usb!
Don’t forget the Grab Bag
Each grab bag is a surprise, but we guarantee it will be filled with a ton of Bill Harley. The perfect gift and, with 10% off, it’s an even better deal!