Presentations and Performances

“Well-traveled, well-read, well-educated, well-spoken and well-loved.”
—Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Bill Harley travels the U.S and abroad to delight audiences with his original wit, heart-warming stories, songs and insights about the human experience. A versatile presenter, performer, and workshop leader, he is at home with a wide range of audiences and venues. Interested in having Bill at your school or event? You can find more information below or send an email to
…Bill Harley always rings true, proving he’s still one of the best when it comes to expressing a kid’s-eye view of uncertainties, hopes, pet peeves and pleasures.”
—Los Angeles Times
“Bill Harley’s voice—whether singing or telling stories—is elastic and entertaining, transforming itself from intimate to outrageous with seamless ease.”
In the Spring and Summer of 2020 Bill recorded 30 concerts from his home. Click here to find a list of all the songs and stories he performed, with links to the videos. Or you can watch them all via YouTube or Facebook. Enjoy!